Share Your Story
Always Be Prepared To Give An Answer To Everyone Who Asks You To Give The Reason For The Hope You Have.
I Peter 3:15
Your testimony — regardless of how ordinary or spectacular you think it is — is a story about God’s character. It is your eyewitness account of how God rescued you from sin and death through Christ, and changed your life as a result.
When you share your story with others, it points them to Jesus and it strengthens your own faith!
We would love to hear your story! Take a moment and share your story here!
Here are some stories we believe will encourage you and build your faith!

John's Story
As a child and throughout my teenage and young adult years, I lived in Togo. Between the ages of 13-15, I was often awakened in the middle of the night. I felt God speaking to my heart that He had work for me to do. He told me he wanted me to lead my family. I knew I would face hardship. I met a political protester, who helped me come to America for better life.
In 2017 I made a bad choice and I did something wrong. I was sent to prison for three years. It seemed hopeless. While I was there, God spoke to me. He told me it was time to turn and go a new way. While there, I decided I was ready to give my heart to Jesus. I was recently released from prison. I am now reunited and restored to my family. On March 21, I was water baptized in front of my God, my family and my church. I am made new and Hope is Alive in me!

Rachel's Story
I have gone to church my whole life and I thought I had a relationship with God but in 2019 I found myself so broken and so lost. I had fallen into a deep depression and suicidal thoughts. On the outside everything looked fine but inside I was really struggling. On July 21st 2019 I was at the darkest point in my life, I was just kicked out of my house and was driving to my friends house when I almost ended it all. Let me tell you, the Lord met me, he showed me how loved I was and He knew it wasn’t my time yet and that he has an amazing plan for my life. Since then the Lord has revealed the calling of ministry on my life and has given me an amazing family at calvary. God is so good. You’re never too far gone! He is waiting with open arms for you, and He loves you so much!

Alex's Story
I’ve always been a believer but when I TRULY decided to let God into my life, He showed me what He wants me to do with my life. Since the very first week I came to Calvary, I was instantly plugged into the worship team and Youth, and that’s when the fire started! Soon enough I was offered an Youth intern position under Pastor Will and I knew I had to take it. This has led me to so many amazing opportunities like helping lead worship at Youth Nights, planning Youth services and events, meeting and connecting with students, and giving my first ever sermon at Youth! Then came the baptism! I myself was baptized and then I got to baptize my little brother! Now my passion is burning more than it ever has, and I’m pursuing a role as a Youth Pastor!

Sherone's Story
Years ago, I was so lost and had no idea how my life would turn out. I had many life-threatening experiences. I knew I’d have to make changes so I could be a better mother to my children.
I chose Jesus and when I did, received: His Love, provision, protection, and correction. I experienced His grace, his mercy, and His peace.
I had a new desire to repent and turn from living a sinful life to a forgiven life.
His love has given me the ability to love. God has done so much in me and through me. I’m very grateful and I’m now on mission to spread the good news that JESUS is ALIVE!

Joe's Story
I’ve always recognized that God was there, but never really relied on Him in my life. When life got hard, I would ask Him to help me but then I would turn away and forget Him again.
After a lifetime of failures, loss, and pain, I was numb. I was so empty and without hope. At last, I turned to God and asked Him to forgive me.
When began to follow Him, everything changed. I started praying and making profound changes in my life. I had a new desire to live differently. I began to feel more and more peace and I recognize how good God has been to me. He was filling my life with light. I now share my newfound peace, hope, and happiness with people every chance I get! I pray and live my life now so that I bring praise and glory to Jesus. I have a joy that swells in my heart!